Saint Leo offers COVID-19 vaccine clinic, September 8-9
Saint Leo University is pleased to offer faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to receive the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at University Campus, with the second shot offered 28 days after the first. Both vaccine shots are free, and all members of our university community are highly encouraged to receive one. (Please note, this is for first and second doses only. The university is not yet authorized to provide booster or third doses.)
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic
September 8 and 9 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Student Community Center Boardrooms
By Appointment Only. Register here:
One you register, please complete the forms below and bring them to your appointment, along with a picture ID:
Win Prizes for Getting Vaccinated Against COVID-19
As a reminder, Saint Leo University is offering some fun incentives for those who choose to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Weekly prize drawings will be held until October 1, 2021. Already, students, faculty and staff have won $100 gift cards to Benedict’s Coffeehouse and Fuz. Drawings are held each Friday.
Get rewarded for your efforts to help protect our pride. Turn in a copy of your vaccination card to More details about COVID-19 vaccine incentives can be found on the Protect the Pride web page.
Please help protect the Pride by getting vaccinated. If you have additional questions about the vaccine clinic, please contact the Student Health Center at