Academic college name changes take effect in new fiscal year
Two of the university’s academic colleges will have new names effective in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. The name changes were approved by the Board of Trustees and are the result of modifications to our degree program offerings.
Moving forward, the College of Arts & Sciences will be named the College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services. Degree programs housed under the College of Education and Social Services will move under this one academic college, with the exception of the undergraduate and graduate social work programs, which will move to the College of Health Professions.
The School of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Data Science (CARDS) will now become a college, representing the increased need for degree program in this growing field.
The bachelor’s degree in health care administration, currently under the Tapia College of Business, will be moved to the College of Health Professions.
A complete listing of the university’s degree program offerings can be found below.
College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services
AA Criminal Justice
AA Liberal Arts
BA Criminal Justice
BA Educational Studies
BA Elementary Education
BA Emergency Management
BA English
BA History
BA International Studies
BA Contemporary Studies
BA Medical Humanities
BA Middle Grades Education
BA Music
BA Political Science
BA Psychology
BA Religion
BA Religious Studies
BA Secondary Education
BA Sociology
BA Theatre
BA Veteran Studies
BS Biology
MA Creative Writing
MA Theology
MEd (Education)
MS Criminal Justice
MS Instructional Design
MS Psychology
EdS (Education Specialist)
DCJ (Criminal Justice)
EdD (Education)
ThD (Theology)
Donald R. Tapia College of Business
AA Business Administration
BS Accounting
BA Communication
BS Economics
BA Human Resource Management
BA Management
BA Marketing
BA Sport Business
MS Accounting
MBA (Business Administration)
DBA Management
College of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, & Data Science
AA Cybersecurity
BS Computational Mathematics
BS Computer Information Systems
BS Computer Science
BS Cybersecurity
BS Data Science
BS Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
BS Software Engineering
MS Computer Science
MS Cybersecurity
College of Health Professions
BS Health Care Administration
BS Nursing
BSW (Social Work)
MSW (Social Work)