Hillsborough County celebrates Saint Leo’s para-to-pro graduates
It is only fitting that on National Teachers Day, May 2, the Hillsborough County (FL) School Board celebrated graduating students in Saint Leo’s Para-to Pro Program, who will teach in that school district.
Saint Leo’s innovative program partners with Florida school districts in order to help them “grow their own” teachers. The program provides paraprofessionals and noncertified school district employees, who already have an associate degree, the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree in education from the university.
Honored at the board meeting were Stacey Peacock, who is graduating cum laude on May 13, and will teach third grade at Yates Elementary in Brandon, FL; Esther Vasquez, first grade teacher, Wilson Elementary in Plant City, FL; and Emily Melgoza, who is a third grade teacher Knights Elementary in Plant City.
Dr. Marie Whelan, chief of Human Capital for the district, gave opening remarks and praised the partnership between Hillsborough County Schools and Saint Leo. In addition, Dr. Christine Picot, assistant professor of undergraduate education at the Tampa Education Center, was praised by the students, their principals, and the school district partners.
Each of the Saint Leo para-to-pro participants and bachelor’s degree graduates received Microsoft Surface tablets from the school district during the meeting.
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Yates Elementary School Principal Lisa Varnum; para-to-pro grad and third grade teacher Stacey Peacock; Wilson Elementary School Principal Kayla Forcucci; para-to-pro grad and first grade teacher Esther Vasquez; Knights Elementary School Principal Janine Hall; and para-to-pro grad; third grade teacher Emily Melgoza; Dr. Holly Atkins, chair of Saint Leo’s Undergraduate Education Department; Sara-Kay Bonti, department manager, clinical education; Christie Gold, district resource teacher, clinical education; Jessica Doherty, manager, performance evaluation; and Dr. Marie Whelan, chief officer, human capital