Wellness Center unveils New Year, New You program
Want to see how the Wellness Center can help you on your New Year, New You wellness journey, but you’re not ready to make a commitment?
During January, all faculty, staff, and their household members are eligible for a free, one-week trial membership! Current members are excluded from this promotion, and membership expires seven consecutive days from activation.
Trial membership provides access to the fitness floor, pool, gymnasium, and group exercise classes. Community yoga classes are included for faculty and staff only. Once free trial has expired, you are encouraged to continue your wellness journey with a paid membership. The Wellness Center offers individual and family membership at a discounted rate for all faculty and staff members and their families. The fitness floor is open to anyone 16 years of age and older. The pool and gymnasium are open to all ages, with adult supervision.
Email wcmembership@saintleo.edu or stop by the Welcome Desk for information or to start your free trial! This promotion ends Tuesday, January 31.