Participate in Run Toward Justice 5K in person January 24, virtually through February 13
It’s not too late to register for the 2023 Saint Leo Run Toward Justice 5K! Saint Leo University’s Social Justice Committee is sponsoring the second Saint Leo Run Toward Justice 5K to benefit Pasco County’s Lacoochee Elementary School. The 5K is virtual, but there also will be an opportunity to walk at the university.
From January 16 through February 13, 2023, participants should log the time they walk, jog, or run, with a goal of totaling 3.1 miles. Since this Run Toward Justice 5K is virtual, participants may join from wherever they are located. Run or walk along a favorite trail, the beach, a neighborhood, or jump on a treadmill.
On Tuesday, January 24, there will be an opportunity to walk at Saint Leo University beginning in front of the Student Activities Building at 5:30 p.m.
The registration fee is $35. Student registration fee is $10. Participants will receive a Saint Leo Run Toward Justice 5K T-shirt and a certificate of completion. Register here.
In keeping with the university’s core value of “community,” the Social Justice Committee will donate all registration fees to Lacoochee Elementary School, a Title 1 school north of Dade City, FL, which serves a diverse student population. The school is home to 300 students, approximately 70 percent Latino or African American, who come from low-income families, and generational poverty, and approximately 95 percent qualify for free or reduced lunch. Many live in the small neighborhood of Lacoochee including Cypress Manor, a low-income government housing project located next to the school.
This close-knit school is known for creating community and going beyond classroom walls to mitigate family challenges. Many Saint Leo University faculty, staff, and administrators personally contribute to the needs of their students and families. Supporting students so they can achieve academic success requires services that go beyond school funding in order to mitigate challenges that affect academic, health, social, parent engagement, and family literacy.
Funds from the 2023 Run Toward Justice 5K will go to LES to provide educational supplies and supplemental items for the students and their families. This includes providing for daily living necessities that enhance school experiences for the students and their families and lead to success in school. Registration fees also will help purchase hygiene and cleaning items as well as school supplies for LES teachers and students. For more information and to register, please visit the Run Toward Justice 5K website.
For more information about Saint Leo University’s Run Toward Justice 5K, email