CCJS to present ‘Nostra Aetate and the Challenge and Promise of Catholic-Jewish Dialogue’
During the Fall 2022 Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies event, Why Dialogue Matters, important topics were raised by panelists including the history of Catholic-Jewish relations and Christian views of Jews and Judaism.
Now, CCJS will explore these topics at “Nostra Aetate and the Challenge and Promise of Catholic-Jewish Dialogue.” Dr. Matthew Tapie, director of CCJS, and the Maureen and Douglas Cohn Visiting Chair in Jewish Thought, Rabbi David Maayan, will discuss the history of Catholic-Jewish relations, the Second Vatican Council declaration Nostra Aetate, and the promise and challenge of Catholic-Jewish dialogue today.
Saint Leo community including students, faculty, and staff. The public also is welcome.
7 – 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 15
Tampa Education Center, 1403 N. Howard Ave., Tampa, FL 33607
Registration Information
No cost
Register here.
For Zoom links, email
Saint Leo University Department of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion:
Contact Information
Sasha Bergstrasser
(352) 588-7711