L’Arche Jacksonville members to discuss mission, ‘radical value’ of hospitality
The Saint Leo community is invited to a special presentation by several members of L’Arche Jacksonville, 10:30 – 11:20 a.m., Monday, December 12, in the Greenfelder-Denlinger Boardrooms of the Student Community Center. This event is organized and co-sponsored by Dr. Matthew Tapie, associate professor of theology in the Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Theology; Dr. Mark Gesner and the Division of Community Engagement and Communications; and Dr. Michael Bailey, and the offices of Career Services and Accessibility Services.
L’Arche is French for “the ark,” and it is an international movement made up of homes where adults with intellectual disabilities and their assistants share daily life together. “L’Arche is a place where the mission to help society gain from the rich talents, insights and experiences of people with intellectual disabilities is every bit as important as inviting people without intellectual disabilities to share in those lives and assist when needed,” the organizers state.
“The L’Arche movement to make permanent homes for adults with intellectual disabilities has spread across the world,” Tapie said. “There are now 160 L’Arche homes in 38 countries. In my view, L’Arche is a very tangible example of the radical Benedictine value of hospitality.”
He added, “Because of the radical welcome and hospitality I have personally experienced visiting the homes of L’Arche, I thought it might be nice to invite L’Arche Jacksonville here to Saint Leo so they can share about their amazing values and mission with our community. L’Arche Jacksonville is the only L’Arche community in all of Florida, and they are making the trip just to visit Saint Leo. They will stay with the Benedictine Sisters while they are here. Many thanks to Sister Roberta Bailey and the sisters for welcoming them!”
Everyone is welcome, but if you plan to bring a large group to attend, please let Tapie know at matthew.tapie@saintleo.edu.