University Ministry student-leaders discuss service-oriented, formational summer projects
More than 30 students gathered in the Wellness Center for a pizza dinner and a presentation by four of University Ministry’s student-leaders, all of whom embarked on service-orientated and formational trips across the globe with other Catholic young adults during the summer.
Themes of learning for the student presenters included surrender, freedom, love, community, truth, beauty, self-discovery, and transformation.
Sophomore Izzy Thayer and senior Mary Margaret Worhacz attended Summer Projects with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) in Petrosky, MI, and Newry, ME, respectively. Summer Projects participants balanced a full-time service industry job with faith-enriching activities—daily Mass, adoration, spiritual direction, Bible studies, and retreats—and community-building excursions to explore the local area.
Seniors Jeremy Bobowski and Rafael Soto also presented on their summer trip to Europe through the Catholic Worldview Fellowship, a study abroad program that incorporates spirituality, academics, and study of sacred art. During the monthlong program, Bobowski and Soto stayed in a castle in Germany, spent a week exploring Rome and Vatican City, and visited a number of ancient Roman ruins and historic cathedrals and churches.
The next Theology on Tap will be held at 6 p.m., Thursday, November 3, in the Wellness Center. For more information on University Ministry and its upcoming events, visit or check out the events calendar here.