Help build WorldWide engagement by sharing The Voice
The Voice is back in Fall 2 to provide news and events targeted and tailored to the interests of online and education center students. WorldWide Student Life, Accessibility Services, and the Tampa Education Center are among the highlights in this edition.
The Fall 2 – 2022 edition of The Voice can be viewed here.
The Voice is published several times a year and will be directly sent to students by email and linked to Saint Leo WorldWide social media channels, including Yammer. This issue is scheduled for sharing on November 1.
Students also can gain valuable teamwork and publishing experience by joining the team at The Voice. Engage Leo is being utilized to encourage students to join the newsletter team or make suggestions for content.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to help educate Saint Leo Worldwide students about the activities and opportunities available to them. If you have a club or activity that WorldWide students are invited to join, please email faculty advisor Christine Woods at or Nancy Cheek at