Title IX Office releases new resources for our community
The Title IX Office has updated the Sexual Misconduct Information Guide for the 2022–2023 academic year. This guide is designed to help community members understand what sexual misconduct is, how to report sexual misconduct, and resources both on- and off-campus. The guidebook is available to access as a digital flipbook at https://tinyurl.com/sexualmisconductguide.
Additionally, this year the Title IX Office is offering Guide for Employees: Sex/Gender Based Discrimination and Title IX Disclosures, designed for our faculty and staff to help them respond to sex- and gender-based discrimination disclosures. This guidebook is available to access as a digital flipbook at https://tinyurl.com/tixdisclosureguide.
Saint Leo community members who have questions about Title IX are encouraged to contact the Title IX coordinator, Vanessa O’Connell, at titleixcoordinator@saintleo.edu or (352) 588-8406.