Register for Sandhill Writers Retreat to take place May 9-12, May 16-19 via Zoom
The Sandhill Writers Retreat, based at Saint Leo University, will host the SWR Reading Series, 7-8:30 p.m., May 9-12, and May 16-19, on Zoom. The new Reading Series is this year’s incarnation of the annual Sandhill Writers Retreat, now in its ninth year. The Reading Series will offer an equally stimulating and inspiring opportunity to come together as a literary community. Registration is $20, which covers eight nights of great poetry, literature, and more.
“Our hope is that by offering such varied programming over approximately two weeks, we will keep our regular attendees engaged, encourage a generation of new work, and keep the legacy of the retreat alive,” said SWR Director Gianna Russo, assistant professor of English, and the city of Tampa’s wordsmith.
During eight evening sessions, the SWR Reading Series will showcase established and acclaimed poets, writers, and publishers, many of whom were requested by past participants. Seven guest faculty will give a brief talk or lesson and a reading, and one evening of the series will be an open mic.
The featured faculty include:
Award-winning poet Denise Duhamel (Second Story, Scald, and Blowout);
Award-winning short fiction writer Amina Gautier (Loss of All Lost Things, Now We Will Be Happy, and At Risk);
Poet and former Anhinga Press director Rick Campbell (Provenance);
Poet and fiction writer Gregory Byrd (The Name of the God Who Speaks);
Publisher and editor Kimberly Davis (Madville Publishing);
Poet, writer, and memoirist Julia Koets (The Rib Joint: A Memoir in Essays and Pine); and,
Poet and writer Geoffrey Philp (Archipelagos).
The Sandhill Writers Retreat is open to the public. Find out more here.
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