Volunteer for University Ministry, SERVE Spring Fling Morning of Service on March 5
As a member of the Saint Leo community, we are all called to serve. This year, University Ministry is offering a new opportunity for faculty, staff, and students to join in the Spring Fling Morning of Service, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, March 5, in the Glen E. Greenfelder-Janet L. Denlinger Boardrooms in the Student Community Center.
Everyone is invited to package 40,000 meals for disaster and hunger relief, in collaboration with Cross Catholic Outreach. This event will be held prior to the student-only Spring Fling. Volunteers are welcome to attend and serve for all or part of the event. Gloves and hairnets will be provided for all volunteers.
“As university chaplain, I am privileged to witness how our students enthusiastically engage our mission to ‘boldly confront the challenges of our world through service to others,’” said Father Randall Meissen. “In the Catholic tradition, the season of Lent is an occasion of special focus on serving the poor. All Saint Leo students, faculty, staff, and members of our local community are invited to join in service. We need many hands to achieve our goal of packaging 40,000 shelf-stable, hunger relief meals that will aid people afflicted by hunger and natural disasters from around the world.”
Father Randall also has a special incentive for the student organization with the most members participating in the Spring Fling Morning of Service: “Dye the Chaplain’s Beard.” Meissen will dye his beard the color of the winning club, organization, or team. If it’s a Lions Athletics team, it could be green or gold, for example. The group also will receive the Chaplain’s Service Award.
Faculty, staff, and alumni are invited to join students in this Students Engaged in Rewarding Volunteer Experiences (SERVE) event by signing up at https://ministry.saintleo.edu/serve. This will be an excellent opportunity to practice the Saint Leo core value of community and follow Christ’s admonition, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
To view Father Randall’s challenge to organizations, go to https://www.instagram.com/tv/CaATg4EAFAy/.
For more information on this event, please contact Angelica Molina, University Ministry’s student service event coordinator, at angelica.molina@email.saintleo.edu.