Saint Leo’s annual Respect Life banquet set for January 24
The annual Respect Life banquet will be held Monday, January 24, beginning at 5:45 p.m. following the 5 p.m. University Ministry Mass. The event will be held in the Glen E. Greenfelder-Janet L. Denlinger Boardrooms and is co-sponsored by University and Imago Dei, the university’s pro-life organization that supports efforts to affirm and protect life from conception to natural death. Imago Dei meaning “Image of God,” stands for the protection and preservation of human life—all who were made in the image and likeness of God regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sex, political affiliation, class, or physical ability, according to the organization’s bylaws.
The featured speaker for the event is Dr. Daniel J. Pepin, a consultant on bioethics for the Catholic dioceses of St. Petersburg and Venice, FL, and the Diocese of Gaylord, MI. Now retired, Pepin was a professor of human biology at North Central Michigan College; professor of anatomy and physiology at Edison and North Central Michigan colleges; and a clinical instructor and professor of oral pathology at Delta College. He was the 2007 recipient of the Respect Life Award from the Diocese of Venice.
Faculty and staff are invited to the event. In keeping with the university’s COVID-19 safety protocols, attendance is limited to 50. To make reservations, email