Faculty invited to add CCJS March panel to class syllabi
The Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies will host a panel discussion at University Campus at 1 p.m., Thursday, March 3, in TECO Hall in the Tapia College of Business building about the connections between contemporary nationalism, antisemitism, and racism today in the United States. All students and faculty are invited.
The speakers are theologians, from diverse backgrounds, who have studied these “isms” from the perspectives of their faith traditions and experiences. Although their comments will come from the disciplines of theology and history, the insights the panelists will share will be relevant also to students pursing majors or minors in political science, history, world politics, homeland security, sociology, and other topics. CCJS would be happy to have your students in the audience.
The speakers are:
- Dr. William Cavanaugh, DePaul University, Chicago; Catholic theologian;
- Dr. Beverly Mitchell, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC; Methodist theologian; member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Committee on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust; and,
- Rabbi Shai Held, president and dean at Hadar, New York, NY; author of Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence, about the Jewish thinker and leader active during the 1960s civil right movement .
Much more information about the panelists and CCJS spring programming is available on this digital flyer. For other questions, please consult CCJS Director Matt Tapie at matthew.tapie@saintleo.edu.