Leaders in the Industry webinar to explore military to civilian career paths
Join Career Services and one of Saint Leo University’s greatest veteran supporters, Dr. Frank Hernandez, Jr. at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, November 17, as they host Tales of Transition: Paving a military to civilian career path. As part of the Leaders in the Industry discussion series, this new webinar features Dr. Hernandez, adjunct faculty member at Saint Leo University and retired Air Force veteran. With a career in the private sector, prior to earning his DBA from Liberty University and teaching in higher education, Dr. Hernandez shares his own success story of transition – and some of its highs and lows.
Open to the university community, the webinar explores the secret to a successful transition for individuals who may be in school now or have already graduated. Find out why getting out of the military is a big deal (about as big a deal as going in), and learn how to make the best decisions for a career path forward.
Students, faculty, and staff can attend via Zoom.
For more information, email careerservices@saintleo.edu.
The views expressed during this event are those of the speaker/presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the university.