
Published on October 1st, 2021 | by University Communications


Saint Leo showing support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Saint Leo University will be turning pink during the month of October to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Pink, the traditional color for the awareness month, will be seen throughout the university community as we honor friends, colleagues, and loved ones who have been diagnosed with breast cancer; encourage mammograms and early detection; and support research efforts to end this disease.

Some of the activities include:

University Campus, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Wednesday, October 13 – We Wear Pink: Students will be able to show their support for the warriors battling breast cancer and those who lost a loved one from breast cancer. Students can tie dye a shirt with shades of pink or make a pink bracelet to help raise awareness at this event, which will be held on the Kirk Hall lawn.

This event is being hosted by Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. For more information, check EngageLeo.

East Pasco Education Center, Saint Edward Hall: The East Pasco Education Center team will distribute pink ribbons at the front desk located at University Campus’ Saint Edward Hall. Wear a ribbon to increase awareness!

Jacksonville Education Center and Mayport Education Office: The Jacksonville and Naval Station Mayport teams will give out breast cancer awareness shirt clips during the week of October 18.

Tampa Education Center: Pink Out Week will be held October 18-21 and our faculty and staff will be asked to wear something pink to create awareness. Pink ribbons will be placed on the fencing surrounding the center at 1403 N. Howard Ave., during the month of October.

Students will be encouraged to share the names of someone in their lives who has been touched by this disease. They may write the name of the individual on a large pink ribbon in the Tampa Education Center’s first-floor hallway.

Saint Leo encourages all faculty, staff, and students to be aware of the symptoms of breast cancer and to conduct monthly self-exams and receive preventative screenings. The Centers for Disease Control is providing important information on this topic.

For employees, the university in cooperation with Advent Health, will host a mobile mammography unit equipped for 3D imaging on Wednesday, November 3, to offer preventative screenings to faculty and staff. Most major insurance coverage is accepted, and there is no extra charge for the 3D capability. It is important, though, to register in advance by filling out this Registration Form. For more information, read here


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