Research Hub social set for November 8
If you have not heard of the Research Hub, it is a group of Saint Leo faculty and staff representing a variety of different research entities and academic units at the university who meet to encourage and stimulate research at Saint Leo University. The hub conducts socials along with trainings/workshops, maintains a webpage, and publishes a yearly newsletter.
The first social for this academic year will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday, November 8, in TECO Hall in the Tapia College of Business building. All interested parties are invited to come, enjoy refreshments, meet with colleagues, and talk about your research specialties, current projects, and training interests.
As the university’s current COVID-19 safety protocols prohibit in-person meetings of more than 50 individuals, the hub urges those interested to RSVP soon, using this link.
For more information, contact