Welcome back Employee Assistance webinars available this month
In an effort to ease the transition back to “normal” operations, Human Resources has scheduled a webinar through Resources For Living each day of the week starting on July 19.
Resources For Living (RFL), powered by Aetna, is a Saint Leo/ICUBA sponsored program providing mental health and wellbeing resources available at no cost to you and all members of your household. That includes children living away from home up to age 26. Services are confidential and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Returning to Work After COVID-19: Feelings, Tools and Resources — Monday, July 19, 2 p.m.
The idea of returning to the workplace can be overwhelming. This program will discuss the challenges, feelings and concerns about returning to work and how to cope.
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Challenges You’ve Met and Challenges Ahead with COVID-19 — Tuesday, July 20, noon
It’s been over a year since we’ve been coping with COVID-19. What a lot of changes we’ve all made! Join this session to review—and take credit for—all you’ve done to adjust and to get tips for meeting the challenges ahead.
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Your “New Normal:” What Will You Change? What Will You Keep? — Wednesday, July 21, noon
COVID-19 has forever changed our world and how we approach everyday life. Now, it’s time to evaluate what changes you want to keep and what things you want to regain. The pandemic is not over, but this may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to re-evaluate your life and make some new decisions.
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Change Mastery — Thursday, July 22, noon
This program explores the impact of change and our response to it. Take a brief personal inventory to see how change may affect you in the next year. Do you tend to be proactive or reactive? Do your beliefs limit or empower you? Come and learn positive strategies to cope with change. Discover how you can handle change successfully. We’ll review the impact of change (personal inventory exercise), personal strategies when facing change, phases of transition, and proactive vs. reactive responses.
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Resilience — Friday, July 23, noon
Have you ever noticed how some people seem to bounce back from negative life events? What enables them to adapt so well? Resilience is the quality that helps people get back up after life knocks them down. This training will discuss the factors of resilience, qualities of resilient people, and the skills needed to build resilience.
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Well-being partners act as a single point of contact for you. They can act as guides to help you give your emotional health the high priority it deserves. Don’t forget! You can access up to six counseling sessions per issue each year. You can also call Resources for Living 24 hours a day for in-the-moment emotional well-being support. Counseling sessions are available face to face or online with televideo. Services are free and confidential to help with a wide range of issues like relationship support, stress management, work/life balance, and more! For more information on this benefit check out the Saint Leo intranet or, contact wellness.benefits@saintleo.edu.