Facilities Management to repave and sealcoat several parking lots and main roads
Please be advised that upcoming projects at the University Campus will result in closure of several parking lots and main roads, which will be conducted in four phases.
Phase 1 will begin on Friday July 23, and will affect students and staff who park in lots 4, 11, and 5 near Apartments 1-4, Apartments 5-6, and Henderson and Benoit halls. During this time, students and staff should park their vehicles in the Lewis Hall (Lot 1) and Benedict’s Coffeehouse (Lot 2). parking lots.
Phase 2 will begin on Monday July 26, and will affect students and staff who park in Lot 1 at the Marion Bowman Activity Center and Lewis Hall and Lot 2 by Benedict’s Coffeehouse. During that time students and staff should park their vehicles in the Saint Edward Hall parking lot, Lot 8, by the U.S. Post Office.
Phase 3 will begin on Wednesday, July 28, and will affect those who park in Lot 6 by Saint Francis Hall, and Lot 10 by University Safety, the Music Building and the Department of Information Technology Building. During this time students and staff should park in the Lewis Hall and Bowman Center parking lot, Lot 1.
Phase 4 will begin on Saturday, July 31, and will affect students and staff who use parking lots 8 and 9 at Saint Edward Hall, the U.S. Post Office, the Abbey Church, and Admissions.
Due to possible midday and afternoon summer showers, timing on these projects is subject to change. Facilities Management will provide updates should a change need to occur during this time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Facilities Management at (352) 588-8362.
Palm Tree Removal
The university will be removing several dead palm trees at the front entrance and the traffic roundabout on Monday, July 26. During this time, traffic will be redirected to prevent any harm to staff or damage to the facility.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Facilities Management at (352) 588-8362.