Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence offers key assignments training on May 4
The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence is hosting a key assignments Zoom session at noon on Tuesday, May 4.
Click here to join the training. Be sure to authenticate through Okta before joining.
Key assignments are designated course assignments that have been selected by programs and/or faculty course designers to assess student learning outcomes. AEFIS (Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback & Intervention System) is an Assessment Management System that facilitates the collection and reporting of learning outcome data from course Key Assignments. Faculty are able to utilize the data for continuous improvement of student learning outcomes, which is required by SACSCOC and other accreditation bodies. AEFIS seamlessly integrates with D2L, allowing faculty to stay within one system (D2L) to assess and grade student work.
Courses with Key Assignments:
Faculty, refer to this Courses with Key Assignments document to determine if your course has key assignments.
For more information, email the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence at