University issues updates on vacation leave, rollover policies
Everyone needs some time away from work to relax, recharge, and reset, so it is important that you utilize your vacation time. Here are some updates regarding vacation leave and rollover policies:
Vacation Leave (Updated) – Effective July 1 (2021)
University officials want and expect employees to take their vacation allotment on a regular basis during the year that is it accrued.
Vacation time begins accruing the first day of the month following your date of hire or status date change. At the end of the fiscal year, June 30, employee vacation accruals will be adjusted to be no more than 264 hours, which is the maximum allowable carry over limit. Starting July 1, unused accrued vacation leave will be paid out up to 80 hours at termination. Employees may not use vacation time to satisfy a two-week notification period.
Vacation Rollover – Effective July 1 through November 27 (2021)
University officials understand the challenges that many have faced during the pandemic. For this reason, the leadership team approved a rollover of up to 80 hours over the traditional 264 hours. A total of 344 hours is permitted to be rolled over effective July 1. The excess (any hours rolled over in excess of 264) need to be utilized by November 27, 2021.
Example: Sue has 300 hours as of June 30, 2021. On July 1, 2021, 300 hours roll over, since the max in excess of 264 is 80 hours (264 + 36 = 300). Sue uses 16 hours between July 1 and November 27. On November 28, Sue now has 264 hours as she needed to utilize the excess hours over 264 (the 36 carried over) by November 27. Only 16 hours were utilized, resulting in 20 hours forfeited.
The updated Vacation Leave Policy can be found within the Human Resources portion of the Saint Leo University Policies site, available through Okta.
For questions related to time off, please contact the Total Rewards team at