Guest talk slated on challenges, opportunities in Catholic higher education
Those interested are invited to attend a remote guest lecture, “The Coming Apocalypse of Catholic Higher Education,” featuring theologian Jason King of Saint Vincent College.
The one-hour event is scheduled for 7 p.m., Wednesday, February 10. There is no charge to participate. The event is open to the public, but is of special interest to those with ties to Catholic colleges and universities.
King is a professor of theology at Saint Vincent, located in Latrobe, PA. Like Saint Leo, Saint Vincent is a private Benedictine institution. In addition to teaching at Saint Vincent, King is a published author of several scholarly works and is editor of The Journal of Moral Theology.
King will outline four threats to Catholic higher education, and suggest a response involving a renewed commitment to Catholic identity and mission.
The event is co-sponsored by the undergraduate Department of Philosophy, Religion, and Theology and the University Senate Catholic Identity Advisory Committee.
To attend, register online here to receive the invitation link.
For more information, contact Dr. Stephen Okey, associate professor of theology, at, or Megan Case, administrator of events and special programs at the College of Arts and Sciences at
The views expressed during this event are those of the speaker/presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the university.