Saint Leo offering free, English writing workshop series
Do you have a student whose writing skills need a boost? Saint Leo University is offering a free, five-week, drop-in English writing workshop, which will begin Monday, February 1. The workshop sessions will take place at 7:30 p.m. (EST), February 1, 8, 15, and 22, and March 1, via Zoom.
These sessions are designed to help anyone who is looking to start college, pass the English placement exam, or advance their writing skills. The workshop is open to community members, current students, and prospective students—anyone who would like to improve their communication skills.
Taught by Dr. Chantelle MacPhee, chair of Saint Leo’s Department of Language Studies and the Arts, and Susan Abercrombie, student advisor for WorldWide Operations and Saint Leo’s Key West (FL) Education Center, this workshop aims to help participants build and improve crucial writing competencies. Participants may attend one or all of the free sessions.
Registration is available at WorldWide Virtual Events. For more information, email or call (305) 293-2847.