Take ‘culinary cruise’ during International Education Week
Saint Leo University welcomes students from all over the world and supports their educational journey throughout their college career. This week, the university is celebrating its international students—who come from more than 100 countries—during International Education Week, November 16-20.
Presented by the Center for Global Engagement, the Intercultural Student Association (ISA), and Dining Service, the week will offer the Saint Leo community opportunities to learn more about our students and their home countries and cultures; assist our students in preparing for their “life after Leo;” and present information about study abroad options.
This week, you are invited to “take a culinary cruise.” Enjoy cooking demonstrations of recipes from students’ and staff members’ home countries. Students will have the opportunity to sample the food, created by Dining Services, at the healthy food station in the Dining Hall. Check out the demonstrations online and try the recipes at home.
The full schedule can be found here.
Monday, November 16
- ISA Culinary Cruise – cooking demonstration of baleadas from Honduras by Montserrat Molina: https://wi.st/2GA0tbv
- International Movie Night via Zoom with ISA – 7 p.m. (EST), Zoom: https://saintleo.zoom.us/j/94924313306?pwd=MjkvNWYzY2hObmx4MDR6c0tQSG0xZz09
Tuesday, November 17
- ISA Culinary Cruise – cooking demonstration of churrasco con chimichurri sauce from Colombia by Erzulie Mendoza: https://youtu.be/BTEEpMUvIaY
- Study Abroad interest seminar – 3-4 p.m. (EST), Zoom: https://saintleo.zoom.us/j/93236442456?pwd=K0tycC9vbXE3dGZpeGZGeDIwVUcrQT09
- International Movie Night via Zoom with CGE and ISA – 7 p.m. (EST), Zoom: https://saintleo.zoom.us/j/94924313306?pwd=MjkvNWYzY2hObmx4MDR6c0tQSG0xZz09
Wednesday, November 18
- ISA Culinary Cruise – cooking demonstration of Mexican sopes with green salsa from Mexico – by Mariana Navarrete: https://youtu.be/Toyd_jVOtCM
- OPT/CPT(Optional Practical Training/Curricular Practical Training) and Life After Leo for International Students Workshop with CGE and Maney, Gordon and Zeller immigration attorneys – 3-5 p.m. (EST), Zoom: https://saintleo.zoom.us/j/96429721982 Meeting ID: 964 2972 1982
Thursday, November 19
- ISA Culinary Cruise – cooking demonstration of tortilla Espanola from Spain by Paige Ramsey-Hamacher: https://youtu.be/1hubf63_llE
For more information, contact the Center for Global Engagement at global@saintleo.edu or call (352) 588-8442.