Christmas ‘angel tree’ cards posted in four locations, awaiting gift givers
The Saint Leo campus community is invited to consider another charitable opportunity to help area families facing financial hardships during this Christmas season. A group of faculty and staff are coordinating an “angel tree” gift program. With angel trees, people select a homemade paper angel ornament from a tree, and the angels bear the holiday wishes of a child or teen—such as the toys or clothing they want, their age, gender, and size—without giving away the name of the child. Donors select an angel and purchase one or more items listed for the child as a gift. The gift giver wraps the item or items and brings them back to campus—along with the original information on the child’s gift wishes.
This holiday season, Dr. Randall “Woody” Woodard and others are again coordinating an angel tree program to provide gifts to families being served by the Catholic Charities office in Dade City. There is one small twist this year: Because of logistical changes, our campus organizers are doing this without an actual tree. Instead they have posted paper cards with the gift needs on their office doors, or on bulletin boards adjacent to their offices. Those interested will find cards for the angel/giving tree project outside these offices:
- Saint Edward Hall 338, office of Penny Freeman;
- Kirk Hall 223, office of Dr. Chris Miller;
- Lewis Hall 100 office; or
- Tapia College of Business building 310, office of Dr. Randall Woodard.
The organizers ask that gift givers bring the wrapped presents and the child’s information to the office of Penny Freeman, Saint Edward Hall 338, by Friday, December 11. Those who are not returning to campus after Thanksgiving can act now to participate. Our organizers have been told that the financial hardships and needs are greater this year than last year.
To be clear, this angel/giving tree project is separate and distinct from the “Adopt a Family for Christmas” project with Catholic Charities that is being coordinated by and, and is a good project for groups or organizations looking for a charitable activity.
For more information on the angel/giving tree, please contact