Hear panel on diversity and inclusion on October 27
At 3 p.m., Tuesday, October 27, the Office of Student Affairs will host a distinguished group of business executives in an inspiring online panel discussion, The Inclusive Path Forward: Successful Professionals Panel. The discussion will be facilitated by President Jeffrey D. Senese and will touch upon personal experiences, professional insights, and industry best practices in diversity and inclusion, as shared by the following guest panelists:
- Nikki Foster, public affairs manager, The Mosaic Company
- Anddrikk L. Frazier, president and CEO, Integral Energy
- Felicia Harvey, Corporate Affairs lead, Amgen Foundation Lead, Florida Amgen
- Edwin Narain ’07 ’09, director of External and Legislative Affairs, AT&T and member of the Saint Leo University Board of Trustees
All faculty, staff, and students are welcome and encouraged to attend. Join here: https://saintleo.zoom.us/j/98320890818?pwd=VnY0aUQ3b3ZYTWVWNmRRckVNNEZyQT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 983 2089 0818 Passcode: 129079