Hear livestreamed panel on furthering Jewish-Christian relations globally
The Saint Leo University community will have a rare chance to hear about how one Catholic religious order has been able to promote dialogue with Jewish communities through its international work, including in Africa, and with the help of other faith leaders.
The Saint Leo University Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies is hosting a virtual panel discussion on Sunday, November 8, from 2 to 4 p.m., ET, featuring Sister Celia Deutsch of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion. Sister Celia and the international order are the recipients this year of the Eternal Light Award, an honor given by the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies (CCJS) to a person or a group for promoting dialogue between the Catholic (or Christian and Catholic) and Jewish faiths.
In other years, CCJS has hosted a dinner and lectures in the community and at University Campus to highlight the work of Eternal Light Award recipients. This year, in light of COVID-19 precautions, Sister Celia and colleagues she has made through interfaith work will speak from various locations during a Zoom panel. This will give CCJS supporters and the university community the chance to hear about the panelists’ efforts to extend the efforts of the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion in Africa.
• Sister Celia has been at work for her religious order at Holy Trinity College in Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe, since August 2019. She is also a research scholar at Barnard College in New York City. She will join from her order’s house in New York.
• Joining from Africa will be: Dr. Julias Togarepi, theologian and coordinator of the theology faculty at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe, and Father Sylvester Kansimbi, a Spiritan priest and faculty member of the Holy Trinity College in Harare, Zimbabwe, author, and scholar.
• Also participating in the panel will be Rabbi Dr. David Fox Sandmel, chair of the International Jewish Committee of Interreligious Consultation, educator, advocate, and scholar. He and Sister Celia taught together and made community presentations together in Zimbabwe. He will be joining from Maine.
The title of the presentation is “The Sisters of Our Lady of Sion and Nostra Aetate: An Old Story and its New Horizons.” The phrase Nostra Aetate refers to a declaration from the Vatican in 1965 that paved the way for better relations between the Catholic Church and non-Christian religions, especially Judaism, by rejecting anti-Semitism and expressing esteem for all major faith traditions.
Faculty and staff are invited to attend and to share news this information with students who may be interested.
Register here:
For more information, contact Dr. Matthew Tapie, director of the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies at matthew.tapie@saintleo.edu.