13-Week Cash Flow Model focus of next Business Re-Imagined webinar, November 5
In the third portion of the Donald R. Tapia College of Business’ free webinar series, Business Re-Imagined, presenters will take a look at cash flow. Businesses are navigating the re-opening of the economy following shutdowns prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic. To assist those facing challenges Business Re-imagined: Set Your Course for Survival with the 13-Week Cash Flow Model will be presented 6 – 8 p.m. (ET), Thursday, November 5.
Presenters are Dr. C’Lamt Ho, assistant professor of accounting at Saint Leo University and Dr. Ruediger Mueller, president and senior partner of TCMI Inc.
This seminar will focus on cash flow and why it is more important than profit or loss in difficult times. It will walk participants step by step through the construction of a cash flow model that can be used to monitor cash sources as well as requirements for the near and intermediate future.
Participants will learn how to budget tight cash resources, how to survive on existing cash and projected cash streams, when they should try to find additional funding, and how to obtain financing.
The 13-Week Cash Flow Model is one of the most popular and commonly used tools of turnaround- and restructuring-experts today.
Faculty, staff, students, and alumni are invited, and asked to invite small business owners who might be interested.
To register, go to Business Re-imagined: Set Your Course for Survival.
For more information, email kim.bulmanski@saintleo.edu.