Saint Leo Abbey Church welcoming guests, enforcing safety measures
Abbot Isaac Camacho and the Benedictine Monks of Saint Leo Abbey are welcoming back all who would like to attend Mass and Divine Office at the Abbey Church.
All on campus are welcome to join for liturgical celebrations, but will be required to follow the safety guidelines:
All must wear a mask when in the Abbey Church.
All will enter through the front doors of the church after washing their hands at the newly constructed sinks in front of the main entrance.
Once inside, find a seat by using the center aisle and choosing a pew that is not blocked.
Please respect social distancing by sitting at least 6 feet from other guests; families may sit together in the available pews.
Guests will not be permitted to sit in the choir stalls with the monks until further notice.
For the reception of Holy Communion, remain at your pew as a minister will bring the Eucharist to you so there will be less movement among the faithful.
The consecrated host will be received on the hand while the communicant stands, for those that do not wish to receive on the hand, please cross your arms on your chest so you may receive a blessing.
Once the celebration has ended, all will exit to the right of their pew following the designated signs, starting with the back rows going forward.
Worship aids will not be given out during this time. Those who wish to pray with us or follow the readings of the Mass are invited to download the IBreviary app on their phones.
The Abbey Church capacity will remain limited to ensure social distancing. If there is not enough space for extra attendees, they are invited to joinother times, or via livestream as Benddictine Monks of Saint Leo abbey will continue broadcasting celebrations.
Due to the high risk that many of the elderly monks face amidst this pandemic, they ask that all guests take the above directions seriously so as not only to protect themselves, but also to protect the life of their community during this challenging time. Lack of cooperation will not be tolerated within their monastic community.
They ask that their frequent guests return to their celebrations gradually, while those who belong to a parish are asked to attend Mass there so as not to overwhelm the Abbey Church’s limited capacity during this time.
At this time, celebrations of the Eucharist will only be permitted in the Abbey Church, at the discretion of the abbot. Eucharistic celebrations in the chapel on campus will not commence until permission is granted from the Abbot’s Office.
Find the livestream liturgies on YouTube or on the Saint Leo Abbey Facebook page.
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