CTLE presents ‘Summit 2020: Educating Effectively in Every Environment’
The Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence (CTLE) has created Summit 2020 to ensure faculty have a successful semester. This ongoing, multipart effort will include virtual sessions and workshops, multimedia resources, instructional guides, self-paced professional development courses, specialized trainings, Base Camps, and Teaching and Learning Conversations (TLC) groups. To view the Summit 2020 page, click here.
Virtual Faculty Development Day
Tuesday, August 11, 9 a.m. – noon
The Faculty Development Day website contains a schedule and links to each presentation. Recordings of each presentation will be available on Wednesday, August 12.
No registration required. All participant attendance will be collected automatically through Zoom.
College Workshops
August 12-13
As part of the Summit 2020 plan, CTLE is offering virtual college workshops for the first time this fall. These workshops have been designed to offer faculty the opportunity to connect with colleagues and explore best practices for teaching in any environment.
No registration required. All participant attendance will be collected automatically through Zoom. For schedules and links, visit our Events Calendar.
Hybrid Classroom Technology (Zoom) Sessions
August 14-24
Learn how to use the Zoom equipment in your classrooms. CTLE will cover setting up Zoom, getting students connected to the class Zoom room, and some tips for how to effectively engage students when you are teaching them simultaneously in Zoom and on-ground.
Registration is required. To register, visit the Events Calendar.
D2L Instructional Sessions
August 14-18
These 30-minute virtual sessions will provide refreshers on some of the most frequently requested D2L topics.
Registration required. To register and check out the variety of D2L sessions , visit the Events Calendar.
Simulated Experiences at Saint Leo
Wednesday, August 12: At a time when business partners may not be accepting college students in the field, simulated experiences can provide real-world experiences in a safe environment while helping students practice and acquire skills for their future professions. For more options and info, visit the Simulated Experiences at Saint Leo website.
Registration required. To register, visit the event Practice, Proficiency, Perfection: Training and Testing with Simulated Experiences.
Instructor Guidebook for Teaching in a Hybrid Environment
Our new Instructor Guidebook provides strategies, teaching tips, and tools to enhance teaching and learning in a hybrid environment.
For more information, email ctle@saintleo.edu.