Mass returns to Abbey with guidelines for guests
The Abbey Church started to gradually welcome the public back to liturgical celebrations at a Mass held on Monday, June 1. The Abbey was prepared following the guidelines of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and from medical professionals. To review the guidelines, click here.
Due to the high risk that many of the elderly monks face amidst this pandemic, guests are asked to follow the directions below to protect the community. Cooperation is expected within our monastic community.
The Abbey has the following guidelines for guests:
- Please wear a mask when in the Abbey Church.
- Before entering the front doors of the Abbey, wash your hands at the newly constructed sinks in front of the main entrance.
- Find a seat by using the center aisle and choose a pew that is not blocked off.
- Respect social distancing by sitting at least six feet from other guests. Families may sit together in the available pews.
- Guests are not permitted to sit in the choir stalls with the monks until further notice.
- For the reception of Holy Communion, remain in the pew and a minister will bring the Eucharist to guests.
- The Consecrated Host will be received on the hand while the communicant stands. For those who do not wish to receive a communion wafer, please cross your arms on your chest to receive a blessing.
- Once the celebration has ended, please exit to the right of your pew following the designated signs, and starting with the back row.
- Worship aids will not be given out during this time. Those who wish to pray or follow the readings of the Mass are invited to download the IBreviary app on their phones.
Frequent guests are asked to return to the celebrations gradually. Those who belong to a parish are asked to attend Mass at their parish so as not to overwhelm our limited capacity during this time.
For questions, email