Submit photos from campus for Green Dot’s ‘Through the Lens of a Lion’ project
Green Dot is launching the Through the Lens of a Lion Photovoice initiative and is inviting the community to participate.
Staff and faculty are encouraged to submit a photo they have taken on campus that answers this question: What does community look like to you? Please submit two to three sentences describing the photo’s meaning to conclude the submission. Green Dot will be collecting photos until Thursday, April 30.
Green Dot is an approach to violence prevention that is based on the premise that violence can be reduced within a community with the help of bystanders. Show Saint Leo’s sense of community by submitting a photo for this initiative.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking are serious issues on college campuses across the country. However, Saint Leo is committed to addressing these issues with the help of Green Dot.
For additional information, contact Green Dot at