Newport News center staff attend Promise of Hope Affair
The Patient Advocate Foundation hosts an annual themed gala and fundraising event called A Promise of Hope Affair in February in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. This year, staff from Saint Leo’s Newport News Education Center and their spouses enjoyed an evening of fine food, music, and lively action, knowing that the funds raise would who help those who need access to quality health care and assistance in finding a way to obtain it, said Mark Westbrook, assistant director of Saint Leo’s Office of Military Affairs and Services. “A Promise of Hope Affair was more than a one evening gathering of concerned individuals; it was a promise made by those with compassionate hearts,” Westbrook said.
The National Patient Advocate Foundation (NPAF) and the Patient Advocate Foundation are national leaders on the forefront of patient-focused health care and serve as the voice of patients in need.
Since 1996, PAF has provided patient service assistance to more than 1 million individuals, helping thousands of Virginians each year through direct services. The gala attended by Saint Leo staff, helped the nonprofit organization to continue advocating for those who are facing challenging times in their lives.