Workday Learn: New responsibilities for managers (action required!)
If you manage employees at Saint Leo and did not attend the Workday Learn training session for managers, please review the information below.
Employees who have supervisory responsibilities are now responsible for assigning “position specific” training to their team members in Workday Learn. Standard core compliance training (such as “2020 SLU Compliance” which includes courses like “Ethics,” “VAWA and Title IX,” and “Acceptable Use Policy”) is automatically assigned to all employees through Workday; however, position-specific training is not automatically assigned and must be assigned manually by each supervisor.
Examples of position specific training are “CPR,” “ADA,” “Bloodborne Pathogens,” “PCI, Campus Security Authority (CSA),” “HIPAA,” and “Red Flag Identity Theft.” These and any other modules required of a position must be assigned and tracked by each supervisor.
For more details and to view a comprehensive PDF, click here.
If you have questions or need assistance with this Workday Learn responsibility, please contact learning and development manager Shannon Moore at (352) 588-7426 or