Remember these tips for Cloud storage with Microsoft OneDrive
When it comes to storing data, whether locally (memory on your machine), in the cloud (remote memory) or on a USB device (removable, portable memory), there are some factors to consider:
Personal Data: Personal data is anything outside the scope of work for business or school environments.
This includes pictures, personal identifiable information (e.g., taxes, resumes, budgets), videos and login information (e.g., usernames and passphrases, sometimes saved in user profiles for quicker logins)
Business or education work: Data related to work or education that has been asked of you to begin, follow through, or complete.
This includes all administration, processes, projects, and research work—regardless of scope—and educational work such as papers, projects, homework, and any files related to school events (e.g., Greek Life and social clubs).
Microsoft OneDrive offers the opportunity to store data in a remote location while granting access to it from anywhere via compatible devices that are connected to a trusted network. This allows for more fluidity when it comes to accessing data at any given time.
For employees of Saint Leo University, please be aware that personal data should remain separate from work data and should not be stored on any Saint Leo University asset, including OneDrive for Business. Technologies provided by Saint Leo University are intended for professional work or research. Saint Leo University is not responsible for the loss or return of personal data that may have been saved on university technology assets. We recommend that all personal data be stored on a personally owned external hard drive to avoid the loss of personal data.
For students who use OneDrive, please use caution when uploading personal data. If the data you are uploading to OneDrive is very sensitive or personal, we suggest the purchase of an external hard drive to keep those sensitive documents or items (pictures and videos) out of the reach of online malicious individuals.
Any data that is uploaded to OneDrive is encrypted. This ensures that your data cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons and gives you some peace of mind. So remember, make a conscious effort to keep personal data separate from business and education data. Adhere to the acceptable use policies and get the latest news, tips, and tricks to make your online experience more secure by visiting the technology page on Community or follow us on Facebook at:
For more information, contact TI3 at or (352) 588-8888.