Enjoy Blessings for the Bahamas on September 28
Blessings for the Bahamas is an event to raise awareness and provide funds and items for those affected by Hurricane Dorian. The Saint Leo community is invited to hear music, enjoy performances, purchase Bahamian foods and drinks, participate in a silent auction, donate funds, and more.
The event will be held 2 to 8 p.m., Saturday, September 28, on the Student Activities Building green.
Items to be collected at Blessings for the Bahamas, as requested the Bahamas Red Cross and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas, include the following: diapers; baby formula; baby wipes; batteries; bedding; blankets; bleach; cleaning items; deodorant; flashlights; garbage bags; gauze; insect repellent; nonperishable foods; tarps; portable radios; bottled water; sanitary napkins and tampons; soap; sterile bandages; toothbrushes; and toothpaste.
Funds may be donated online at www.baotb.org.
The event is sponsored by the Intercultural Student Association, Caribbean Student Association, Multicultural and International Services Office; Student Government Union, and Barbados Association of Tampa Bay.
Assisting with the benefit are Sigma Gamma Rho sorority; SISTUHS; Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity; Black Student Union; Alpha Sigma Tau sorority; Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/Lambda Pi Chi sorority; Sigma Lambda Beta fraternity; Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity; and Sigma Lambda Gamma sorority.
For more information, contact caribbeanslu@gmail.com, Katriel Grant-Hope, Enrollment support representative, at katriel.grant-hope@saintleo.edu; or Carol P. Hope Grant, assistant director of International Student Services, at carol.hopegrant@saintleo.edu or (352) 588-8471.