HR Campus Scenery

Published on June 28th, 2019 | by University Communications


Community Day—upcoming service awards

Twice each year at Community Day, Saint Leo University presents service awards to employees who have reached an increment of five years of service. 

Service awards are based on “seniority date,” which may not necessarily be employees’ full-time hire dates. For example, if you were initially hired as a part-time employee, the date you started as a part-time employee will be your seniority date.

The seniority date range for August Community Days is January 1 to July 31; the date range for January Community Days is August 1 to December 31 of the previous year. For our upcoming August 13 Community Day, you will receive a service award if your seniority date falls between January 1 to July 31.

To be sure we have included everyone who should receive a service award at our next Community Day, we are publishing a list of recipients below for your review. If you think you should be receiving an award at the upcoming Community Day and your name is not listed below, please contact Noel Quiles at by Monday, August 5.

5-Year Recipients

Eric Bryan
Thalia Bryce
Lawrence Clark
Sharon Cook
Anthony Covington
Mollie Cripe
Traci Dougherty
Jessica Etter
Kait Fagan
Melinda Fontaine
David Fromhart
Sandra Garcia
Michael Godfrey
Renee Gould
Jessica Graves
Donna Herman
Jo Hutterli
Kyle Jackson
Chris Jones
Erin Kinberger
Elizabeth Koerner
Lita Locuson
Rachel Melo
Kristen Nash
Allen Nelson
Machele Nutt
Jennifer Orendorf
Anthony Parks
Lan Pham
Justin Prengaman
Leonardo Riverol
Vernon Sia
Kimberley Steele
Tina Ware
Felicia Wilson
William Wilson
Kate Wittrock
James Womick
Sarah Young
Linda Zaccaro

10-Year Recipients

Patricia Campion
Pamela DeCius
Katie Degner
Vyas Krishnan
John Lax
Agnieszka Leesch
Paul Mangen
Robert Sullivan
Benjamin Watters

15-Year Recipients

 Galo  Alava
 Kimberlee  Bush
 Donna  Hoar
 Dawn  Parisi
 Candace  Roberts
Leonard Territo
 Delmar  Wright

20-Year Recipients

 Balbir  Bal
 Siamack  Bondari
 Michael  Cooper
 Penny  Freeman
 David  Persky
 Tyler  Upshaw
 Barbara  Wilson

25-Year Recipients

Nisa Harrelson
Karen Hahn
Astrid Vicas

35-Year Recipients

Gordon Briggs
Sheryll McCarty

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