Enterprise grant to help Career Services reach students
Saint Leo University’s Career Center received a $2,500 grant from the Enterprise Holdings Foundation on Monday, May 6.
Enterprise Holdings’ Stephanie Seymour, talent acquisition specialist, and Felyce Starr, talent acquisition manager for the region, presented the university with an oversized check, representing the grant.
Starr explained that the grant is a part of Enterprise Holdings partnership with the university.
“Enterprise recruits [employees] heavily at Saint Leo,” said Nancy Cheek, associate director of Career Services for Saint Leo. “And Enterprise is always willing to send representatives to share career-related advice at both campus workshops and in webinar sessions for our Saint Leo WorldWide population.
Career Services may use the grant to fund an Enterprise-sponsored office dedicated to helping students and employers conduct interviews by Skype and using other technology, said Vice President of Student Affairs Jen Shaw. This would allow far-away employers to interview local students, and also let Saint Leo students located anywhere to interview with local business recruiters who might come to the new office.