Social Work programs recognized for efforts in helping the homeless

Christina Cazanave (left) and Ebony Perez (right)
The Coalition for the Homeless of Pasco County recognized the Saint Leo Social Work programs for its efforts in planning and assisting in the 2019 Point in Time Count (PIT). The PIT is a count of homeless persons on a single night in January. This information assists the coalition with expanding services, helping the community better understand homelessness, engaging in efforts to end homelessness, and obtaining federal funding for new programs, shelters, and permanent housing.
At the coalition’s monthly Continuum of Care meeting, the coalition thanked members of Saint Leo’s Social Work programs for their efforts in planning the event, creating the training methodology, recording the training, recruiting volunteers, and the collection and distribution of hygiene kits. Members of the Saint Leo community were asked to donate personal care items to create the hygiene kits.