Enjoy talented performers at 2019 Spring Sing: ‘Tunes in Bloom’
The College of Arts & Sciences is proud to present the Saint Leo Singers, Saint Leo Chambers Singers, Saint Leo Rhythm Machine, and Saint Leo Strings for a spirited musical program showcasing student soloists.
There will be performances of Tunes in Bloom at 4 and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9, in the Black Box Theatre, located in Benedictine Hall. President Jeffrey D. Senese has graciously agreed to allow employees who wish to attend the 4 p.m. concert to leave their offices early that day. Employees should consult with their supervisors before making plans to attend as some offices may need to make special arrangements.
Admission is free, and the event is open to the public. However, seating is limited. To reserve your seats please email Megan Orendorf Case, administrator of events and special programs, at jennifer.orendorf@saintleo.edu.
Donations are appreciated and directly support our growing music program.
The views expressed during this event are those of the speaker/presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the university.