Register for Summer Institute: Resiliency, Unconscious Bias Training for First Responders
Saint Leo University’s Department of Public Safety Administration is presenting the 2019 Summer Institute: Resiliency and Unconscious Bias Training for First Responders. The sessions will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, April 29, through Thursday, May 2, in the Student Community Center boardrooms.
This is a specialized four-day (32-hour) training certification program. The CRM300 / CRJ 500 Resiliency and Unconscious Bias Training for First Responders course is designed to assist in providing a solid foundation of basic techniques from which first responders may increase their level of resilience and implement strategies to mitigate the effects of unconscious bias in “high threat” situations. This course also will be offered for undergraduate or graduate credits in the Summer 1 Term for current Saint Leo students. It also will be available to non-student first responders in the community as a training certificate.
This course focuses on two distinct though interrelated areas that are critical to the duties of first responders. The first focus is on psychological resilience. Having high psychological resilience assists an individual’s ability to adapt in a highly adverse condition. Psychological resilience can be defined as the ability to successfully cope and adapt when faced with adversity or stressful life events. Participants will assess their current levels of psychological resilience to a variety of situations. Participants will learn a variety of techniques which can be used to increase their own as well as others’ levels of resilience.
The second focus is on the role of unconscious bias, particularly in high threat situations frequently encountered by first responders. Participants will complete a self-administered, unconscious bias assessment instrument. Participants will learn about the ubiquitous nature of unconscious bias and the role cognitive schemas play in “thinking fast, thinking slow” situations. Participants will learn how to develop and implement strategies that can mitigate the effects of unconscious bias, particularly in “high threat” situations.
The format for the course will include a presentation, group discussion, small group work, self-administered assessments, case studies, and multimedia presentations. Seating is limited.
For more information, or to reserve a seat for the training, contact Nikki Heister at or (352) 588-8487.