University community invited to FirstNet presentation by AT&T
The College of Education and Social Services is collaborating with the Tapia College of Business during its Business Week activities to host an AT&T FirstNet demonstration. The demonstration will be from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. with a reception to follow, on Wednesday, March 6, in Kirk Hall, Rooms 123-124. University Campus, education center, and Center for Online Learning students, faculty, and staff, and first responder community partners are invited to participate in a unique presentation and dialogue about how this technology may save civilian lives and keep first responders safe during crisis situations.
FirstNet is a nationwide public safety broadband network, services, and solutions that are dedicated to first responders and those who support them. It is more than a network, including advanced services, applications, and purpose-built devices. FirstNet was born from the communication challenges public safety officials experienced during the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Congress advanced that vision in 2012 when it created the First Responder Network Authority. Built with AT&T, in public-private partnership with the First Responder Network Authority, FirstNet is bringing public safety a technology upgrade. cans. Dedicated to providing prioritized connectivity to those who risk everything, FirstNet is committed to making public safety communications simpler, safer, and more effective.
Every student should be aware of this technology if you are in law enforcement, emergency response, fire protection, criminal justice, public safety, or attending our command officer programs. This technology is not specific to Florida, but is a national network that provides a platform for law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, and other public safety responders in every state, county, and locality to communicate with each other.
This session will be broadcast via Video Teaching and Teleconferencing (VTT) from Kirk Hall to five education centers – Tampa and Ocala, FL; Atlanta and Savannah, GA; and Chesapeake, VA, as well as live streamed to all interested students through Collaborate via Blackboard Ultra.
Please RSVP to Nikki (Brenda) Heister at or (352) 588-8487 no later than Monday, March 4.