Saint Leo sponsors American Mathematics Competitions for high school students
Saint Leo University is sponsoring the American Mathematics Competition levels 10 and 12 exams for area high school students who would like to take either competitive test for free. This national competition is intended to foster continued interest in mathematics and will take place during the early evening of February 13 at University Campus.
The university offers free access to this competition annually as a community service. Children of employees may take part, and employees are welcome to share this information with friends and neighbors whose families may be interested. The AMC 10 is open to students in grades 10 and below and to those no older than 17.5 years on the day of the test. The AMC 12 is open to students in grades 12 and below and to those no older than 19.5 years on the day of the test. The AMC 12 covers all high school math curriculum, including advanced algebra, advanced geometry, and trigonometry. Both tests are in multiple choice format. Students are given 75 minutes to complete the tests.
More detailed information about the test and the competition is available at:
There are limited slots available, so families must confirm a spot for their students in advance by contacting Dr. Kevin Murphy of the Saint Leo University mathematics faculty by email at