Prominent water scientist to visit University Campus in February
Saint Leo University and the College of Arts and Sciences are happy to host author, educator, and scientist Brian Richter at University Campus for a visit Monday, February 4,through Thursday, February 7. Richter worked in leading scientific roles for more than 30 years for the Nature Conservancy and is now president of Sustainable Waters, a global organization that promotes sound water management practices to local communities, governments, and corporations.
In addition to meeting with a variety of classes, Richter will deliver a public address at 7 p.m., Tuesday, February 5, in Selby Auditorium, Lewis Hall. His topic is “Chasing Water in a Dynamically Changing World.” Visitors are welcome and there is no charge to attend the speech.
This visit and keynote is made possible through the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows program offered by the Council of Independent Colleges to member institutions. The fellows are experts in their fields who come to campuses for several days of informal workshops, class meetings, and lectures to share their knowledge from the non-academic world with students and faculty.
For more information, contact Megan Jennifer Orendorf at or (352) 588-8401.
The views expressed during this event are those of the speaker/presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the university.