New process in place for approval of all positions
In an effort to practice responsible stewardship and ensure the university is positioned well for growth, a new job and replacement position approval process was introduced this summer. A Payroll Advisory Committee was formed to review all potential hiring and make recommendations on requested positions. The president will have final approval on all positions.
Under the Human Resources section on Saint Leo’s intranet site, you will find an outline detailing the Payroll Advisory Committee process, along with the Payroll Advisory Committee position request form. This process requires that all university-funded positions (new hires, replacement hires, student workers, and promotions) and any requests for salary increases, be presented to the committee.
As part of the new process, managers will need to submit a completed payroll committee position request form to their director or associate vice president for review. The director or associate vice president will then submit the form for approval to their division vice president or senior vice president. Upon approval of the vice president, the form will be submitted to Human Resources for inclusion at the Payroll Advisory Committee meeting, which routinely meets weekly.
It is important to include all pertinent information within the form so that the Payroll Advisory Committee has the necessary information to render a decision. Examples may include an explanation of how the position will be funded if unbudgeted; an explanation of the need for the hire; and details regarding whether the role is student-facing, revenue generating, results in efficiencies or savings, or performs an essential/unique function.
Once a position has been reviewed, a Human Resources business partner will reach out to the hiring manager with an approval, denial, or request for additional information.
If you should have any questions regarding this process, please reach out to your Human Resources business partner.