Exciting news for student job seekers
During the summer, the Office of Career Services will upgrade the software that runs LionsLink, our online career management system. The new technology, Handshake, provides significant improvements to our employer recruiting, events management, data analytics, and communication services functions.
According to Julia Ruddock, executive director of Career Services, “We are excited about this upgrade and all of the new features and services it is going to make possible for our students, alumni, employers, and the broader Saint Leo community. We anticipate going live with our new system on Monday, July 2, 2018.”
To keep the university community up-to-date on this transition, a website called Handshake Hub was created at saintleo.edu/career-services-handshake. Feel free to visit this site at any time for the latest information about our transition to Handshake.
If you are currently using LionsLink to view jobs and internships for students you engage with, rest easy. A follow up story in early July will contain information about when and where you can take a test drive of our new system.
We are excited about this upgrade and all of the new features and services it is going to make possible for our students, alumni, employers and the broader Saint Leo community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Julia Ruddock, executive director of Career Services, at (352) 588-8346 or via email at CareerServices@saintleo.edu.