Tour upcoming Daylight Experience improvements in LionsSHARE Courses system
All faculty and staff are invited to take a short tour of the improved look and feel of your LionsSHARE Courses system classes that will be implemented on Monday, April 30. You’ve likely seen some of the announcements about the upcoming Daylight improvements, and now you can take a tour prepared especially for Saint Leo faculty and staff.
Start your tour now: 🔆 Welcome to the Courses Daylight Experience
The tour features sneak peeks at the new look and feel coming for the 2018SU1 term, comparisons between the existing features and the new features, and a look at the updates to faculty support materials.
Earn your Brighter Instructor Award certificate
After viewing the three tour videos (about 30 minutes total) and completing the quick feedback survey, you’ll earn the Brighter Instructor Award Certificate inside the 🔆 Welcome to the Courses Daylight Experience course.
Enter the special prize drawing
As a special thanks, every Saint Leo University instructor who views the three tour videos (30 minutes total), completes the quick feedback survey, and earns the Brighter Instructor Award, will be entered into a drawing for a prize box with exclusive swag provided by Brightspace D2L and the Saint Leo University Faculty Development & Enrichment team.
On Monday, April 30, after the Daylight Experience update in the LionsSHARE Courses system, a random name will be selected from all instructors who have earned the Brighter Instructor Award inside the course.
We’ll announce the lucky Brighter Instructor prize winner inside the course, in the LionsSHARE Social All Staff group, and on the Saint Leo Community employee news website. If you’re our lucky winner, we’ll also contact you at your email address for details about receiving your prize.
Are you looking for the required “Teaching in Courses” faculty development course?
The Daylight Experience tour above is a special faculty enrichment course. If you’re looking for the required “Teaching in Courses” faculty development course where you learn how to teach using the LionsSHARE Courses system powered by D2L, you’ll find it here.
Happy teaching and learning!