PAL coach classroom visits
During the past two weeks, the Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) coaching program began making class visits. During these 15-minute visits, a PAL coach is available to speak on his/her role as an academic coach, supporting students and helping them to become successful, independent learners. In addition, the learning specialist from the Center for Academic Vision & Excellence (the CAVE) in Kirk Hall, provides a facilitated activity on a selected learning domain: academic skills, motivational drive, social-emotional wellness, or self-regulating habits, with an emphasis on academic success. Students are prompted to engage in self-assessments related to their strengths and learning needs in all four domains.
As we progress and approach the midpoint of the semester, if any faculty would like to schedule a class visit with a PAL coach and learning specialist, contact Ray LaBonte, learning specialist, at to set up a time that works best for faculty and students.