Benedictine Sisters of Florida to host Dancing With Our Stars on March 10
The Argentine tango, the waltz, the swing and a Latin sizzle number are part of the dance styles you’ll enjoy at Dancing With Our Stars. The annual dinner and fundraising event to benefit the Benedictine Sisters of Florida and their ministries is set for Saturday, March 10. Held at the Tampa Bay Golf Country Club, the evening begins at 5:30 p.m. and includes dinner, dancing, silent auction, raffle, and an entertaining ballroom dance competition! Tickets are $50 per person and sponsorships are available.
Rhapsody Ballroom in Temple Terrace is donating its talent and experience to teach our couples their pieces. In addition, one of our couples, Dr. Rochelle Knowles and Rick Brown, have learned the authentic Argentine tango from instructors in Tampa, Victoria Sarquisse and Frederico Jorquera.
Vote for your favorite dancer as well. The dancers include: Rick Brown, owner and director of Brown Funeral Home in Lecanto; Rochelle Knowles, MD, internal medicine physician; Dr. Rudy Wagner of Farina Orthodontics; Jean Nathe, owner of Trade-Mark Sales and Campus Gear in San Antonio; Tiffany Coleman, and Gary Woodard, a St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church Knight of Columbus. Saint Leo University is represented by three dancers. Dr. Sergiy Borysov who is a ballroom coach when his “professor” hat comes off; Noel Quiles, an alumnus and Human Resources employee; Victoria Fields, a sophomore who has studied dance for 10 years; and Dr. Katrina Wahlstrom, associate director of Faculty Services for the university. This is going to be a fun event, and we encourage you to join!
Support the dancers online with $1 per vote ($5 minimum). Watch the leaderboard and vote as many times as you want.
For information and event reservations, contact Faith Pridmore, director of mission advancement at (352) 588-8320 or email Visit the Benedictine Sisters of Florida on Facebook and on their website.