“Write for Rights” session at University Campus, December 4
The Global Studies Club invites students, faculty, staff, and community members to take part in the annual campus activity in support of Write for Rights, a campaign sponsored by Amnesty International, the global human rights organization. The activity is scheduled for Monday, December 4, between 4:30 and 6 p.m., in Kirk Hall, Room 308.
Global Studies Club members will have available materials from Amnesty International about highlighted individuals or groups who are suffering oppression or human rights abuses in a variety of countries. One point of the activity is to generate letters of support to the afflicted individuals or groups to boost their morale. Project participants are also asked to write separate letters to the responsible government authorities to advocate for freedom, justice, or protection for the oppressed individuals. The public pressure can help, according to Amnesty International. Sample letters, writing supplies, and refreshments are provided during the activity.
For more information, contact the club’s faculty advisor, Dr. Patricia Campion, at patricia.campion@saintleo.edu. More information can also be found at this website: https://write.amnestyusa.org.